Transom Window Glass Replacement
Transom Window Glass Replacement
One of the biggest benefits of transom windows is that they help bring added light into a space. This is particularly nice in a room that doesn’t have too many windows around the door. Transom windows add light to a dark entryway making it easier to see your door and the space around it during the day when you aren’t using interior lights. Transom windows don’t just help bring light into a room above an exterior door, they can be used to transfer light from one of your exterior rooms, to one that’s farther into the interior of your home. Imagine that you have a room in your home with no exterior windows. Adding a couple transom windows to the walls of that room can create a sort of light bridge between the two rooms sharing their light and brightening them up substantially throughout the day. Another major benefit of transom windows is allowing light into a space during times of the day when the sun is higher in the sky. When there isn’t as much direct sunlight coming into your home, a transom window can offer a solid source of light after other windows stop being useful. By extending your windows up higher you can enjoy a brighter room longer into the day.

Holger W.

Markus S.